Ridge Augmentation in Camarillo

Ridge augmentation is a specialized procedure designed to rebuild and restore the natural contour of the jawbone, often after tooth extraction or due to bone loss. Near Camarillo, our practice offers ridge augmentation to ensure patients have a strong, stable foundation for future dental restorations, improving both function and aesthetics.

Possible symptoms leading to ridge augmentation

Identifying the need for ridge augmentation can be based on several symptoms or conditions affecting the jawbone and overall oral structure.

Indentations in the gums and jawbone: Occurring where a tooth was extracted or lost, creating an unnatural dip or hollow in the jawline.

Difficulty wearing dentures: Ill-fitting or uncomfortable dentures due to irregularities or insufficient bone in the jaw.

Desire for dental implants: Need for a more solid bone foundation to support future dental implants or other restorations.

Treatment steps of ridge augmentation

Ridge augmentation is performed in a series of precise, carefully planned steps to effectively rebuild the jawbone and improve oral contours.

  1. Examination and imaging: Comprehensive evaluation of the jawbone using x-rays or other imaging techniques to determine the extent of bone loss or irregularity.
  2. Incision and flap creation: Making an incision in the gum tissue to access the underlying bone where the augmentation will take place.
  3. Bone graft material placement: Application of bone graft material to the affected area to encourage the regeneration of lost bone tissue.
  4. Membrane placement and closure: Covering the graft with a collagen membrane for protection and promoting healing, followed by suturing the gum tissue back in place.
  5. Healing and monitoring: A period of healing is allowed for the bone graft to integrate with the existing bone, followed by careful monitoring and additional treatments if necessary.

Benefits of ridge augmentation

Ridge augmentation near Camarillo provides multiple benefits, addressing both aesthetic concerns and functional needs.

Restores natural jawline contour: Fills in depressions or irregularities in the jaw, creating a more natural and aesthetically pleasing jawline.

Improves function and foundation for restorations: Offers a stable base for future dental implants or other restorative devices, improving their fit and function.

Enhances oral health and comfort: A well-contoured jaw can improve oral hygiene and comfort, especially for denture wearers.

Boosts confidence and quality of life: Restoring the natural shape of the jaw can significantly improve a person's appearance and self-esteem, positively impacting overall quality of life.

Ridge Augmentation near Camarillo

Ridge augmentation near Camarillo is a transformative procedure that can significantly impact your oral health and the success of future dental restorations. If you're experiencing jawbone irregularities or preparing for implants, our team at Camarillo Periodontics is here to guide you through the process of ridge augmentation. Contact us to learn more about how this procedure can rebuild your smile and restore functionality.